Reducing the Consequences of Conflict

It would be great if there never was any conflict wouldn’t it? The conflict that occurs regularly in the world of work and on the receiving end of customer service is very similar. Often due to the fact that there is a way to do it and this is the way and there is no flexibility. A way to do it is a process or a procedure, if we don’t have those processes or procedures none of our systems will work. Things need to requisitioned in the right way to reduce overspend and keep profits up. Processes need to be implemented step by step. When you learn to drive a car you discover failure to do things in the right order means you crash the gears or some other disaster. However what happens when we have a problem or our customer or client has a problem? We or they are not interested in the process or procedure in the slightest we or they want something doing. These are again two subconscious language patterns and apart from 20% of the population who can ...