
Showing posts with the label learning

Looking down on you

  Photo by Yan Krukov (Pexels)                 Do you need others to have a good time? To enjoy work? Or can you decide for yourself?   In my last post ‘Living the Dream’ (or How does a person react to change?) I wrote about how our language and behaviours are indicators of how often we may well change our behaviour, in a given context [1] . This all led on from a conversation I had with a friend.   The theory or fact is that our language and behaviours give away huge clues (to those who are aware of this fact), clues on how we will behave and what we will say in a particular situation.    However, we are all complex individuals and it isn’t just the language and behaviours indicators around the Decision Factors [2] , which shows are they motivated to change through searching for ‘difference’ or ‘sameness’. Being complex human beings other factors come into play and we may change or appear to change as we progre...

Why I Became Interested in Mental Maths or Math

At the age of 6 years old I developed a block for mental maths, math, or arithmetic.   There followed many of years of complete and utter bafflement about numbers on my part that is until 2002 at the age of 50! I had come across strategies to learn useful things, that we had strategies to avoid things, to do the wrong thing. That we could change those things that were wrong for us, if we wanted to. My prime interest in NLP has always been how we can use to improve our and others learning. How if want to, can we change or improve things for the better. In 2002 when I was training to become an NLP Master Practitioner we were learning about modelling.   NLP is based on the models of presuppositions or operating beliefs, three of which are – Modelling successful performance leads to excellence. If one person can do something it is possible to model it and teach it to others. Excellence can be duplicated.   Therefore by carrying out the modelling and distilling a mod...