
Showing posts with the label mediation

Looking down on you

  Photo by Yan Krukov (Pexels)                 Do you need others to have a good time? To enjoy work? Or can you decide for yourself?   In my last post ‘Living the Dream’ (or How does a person react to change?) I wrote about how our language and behaviours are indicators of how often we may well change our behaviour, in a given context [1] . This all led on from a conversation I had with a friend.   The theory or fact is that our language and behaviours give away huge clues (to those who are aware of this fact), clues on how we will behave and what we will say in a particular situation.    However, we are all complex individuals and it isn’t just the language and behaviours indicators around the Decision Factors [2] , which shows are they motivated to change through searching for ‘difference’ or ‘sameness’. Being complex human beings other factors come into play and we may change or appear to change as we progre...

Are you waiting for the best option to come along?

    Are you?    Does everyone else seem to be? Are you waiting for the best option to come along? Or waiting for a better option?   Every day we are bombarded with the ‘must haves’, the ‘buy now’ (as well as the ‘unique’, the ‘new’, the ‘different’ – that’s another story).   And in these current times when a lot of what the media gives us is about doom and gloom, what do we focus on?     Some people become very inward looking and only use their own judgment, or they base this judgment on information they have gleaned from different sources when faced with uncertainty and then they start to decide for themselves.   They may take on outside information and process that information and then store it somewhere in their memory banks.   Ultimately they make their own decision and sometimes they make that decision only based on noticing what is wrong or can’t be done in respect of whatever it is you would like them to do.   Now...