
Showing posts with the label family

Looking down on you

  Photo by Yan Krukov (Pexels)                 Do you need others to have a good time? To enjoy work? Or can you decide for yourself?   In my last post ‘Living the Dream’ (or How does a person react to change?) I wrote about how our language and behaviours are indicators of how often we may well change our behaviour, in a given context [1] . This all led on from a conversation I had with a friend.   The theory or fact is that our language and behaviours give away huge clues (to those who are aware of this fact), clues on how we will behave and what we will say in a particular situation.    However, we are all complex individuals and it isn’t just the language and behaviours indicators around the Decision Factors [2] , which shows are they motivated to change through searching for ‘difference’ or ‘sameness’. Being complex human beings other factors come into play and we may change or appear to change as we progre...

Seeking Beta Readers - Everyone Driving You Mad?

Everyone Driving you Mad? Is the title of my latest and hopefully last self-help book.   I'm appealing (take that whichever way you like) If you are willing to help please contact me. I am looking for 2 or 3 people (male of female) in the age bracket 29 to 44) who would be willing to read what I hope is my last ever Self-help book. You can read all of it or just the chapters that appeal to you. I would like you to tell me what you like about or not and also if you spot any grammar errors or don't understand something, please tell me. I'll send it to you by email as a Word document with track changes on it, you can therefore write in the document and return it to me by 27th May please. If you give me constructive help on this when I get back to UK I will either send you signed copy as thanks. The book is called Everyone Driving you Mad? Here's a chapter heading overview. There are techniques to cope with life and the world.   Overview of what’s in...