Changing your perspective or reframing

A few weeks ago a good friend of mine in the UK wrote to tell me she had been feeling out of sorts, she wasn’t sure why. The following week she wrote and said she had moved her garden bench to a different place where she could sit have her coffee and strangely she felt much better. Her view was different, she was enjoying life. Literally she had changed her outlook on life. In NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming [1] ) we talk about ‘Reframing’ (so this might be walking through the door frame or putting an imaginary frame around something, or changing where we sit etc.) to create a different meaning. For example to turn a bad experience into a good one, or to notice that there is actually something positive in what is happening. There have been many times in the last few (or is it many weeks? That depends on how you process language, more on that another time), many times, when reframes have been useful for me. Here’s an example of how you could use a reframe, at any time, for...