Blogs around Turkey in COVID-19

Up front, these are currently the blogs I know and like, there are bound to be more, but I like these.


Inside out in Istanbul is a great favourite of mine and in her latest post Lisa Morrow, an Australian living in Istanbul tells the reader what it’s like to live in Istanbul currently. If anyone near me in Dalyan moans about things that aren’t fair, they need to look at what Lisa has to say about being younger than me and living in a big city currently. Coronavirus Turkey – Winning the war by not fighting battles - Embracing uncertainty and community in the time of Coronavirus . This post gives you a perspective on what it’s like living in a block of 18 apartments and the practices in Turkey of ‘imece’ and ‘zakat’ both of which people might find it useful to be aware of and even practise local to wherever they are.


Another blog, this time local to me, well not far away but in the countryside near here, is Bof’s Blog. I was firstly going to share the second post of Alan's as it's interesting and then he came up with this post. Believe me this is culturally very informative on a couple of levels, enjoy 'Get Stuffed'. .Alan posts some very eclectic things, and recently about a nocturnal visitor to his garden a Golden Jackal in a post entitled A Golden Opportunity


Turkey’s for Life is a mine of information about Turkey although Fethiye based. I share with you links to two pages here, you can explore for more. Firstly Patara  - Patara is a place I want to visit, not just for the ancient ruins and beach, but also the fact that this is where the Bishop Nicholas was born, Nicholas became bishop of Myra and is said to have been the person on whom today’s Santa Claus is based.


Turkey’s for Life features recipes, many, many recipes here’s one that I find interesting, I hope you will too.  Köfte known and often translated as Turkish meatballs. To be honest they are nothing like meatballs and they come in all shapes and sizes and they’re not always made of meat.


And late addition it's not Turkey, but I'm reading it in Turkey. I found this today from John Mellis, as man I know personally, radio presenter, dour and witty.He has curated funny bits at this unfunny time ad shared them online. Well done John. He is with Sociable Distance - Making laughs spread quicker than Coronavirus

I'd like to hear what you like in respect of blogs.








  1. So fun! Thanks for sharing! I loved Turkey for Life's website and the Social Distancing laughs was a good one!

    1. Thank you, glad you liked it. Hope you find some more of my post to like.


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