Are you Mature or Immature in Life?
The owl fabled epitome of a leveller The Leveller Remembering the Satir Categories from the last post, this is by far the best place to be, it’s not always the easiest place to be. Our default behaviours are often governed by nature and nurture. Levellers have few threats to their self-esteem. Words, voice tone, body movements and facial expressions all give the same message. Levellers apologise for an action, not for existing. They have no need to blame, be subservient, retreat into a computer behaviour or to be constantly on the move. They are great communicators and have the ability to build bridges in relationships, heal stalemates and build self-esteem. How does a leveller think and behave? The leveller response is a real-time congruent response. All the other responses that manifest in the other behaviours are as a result of negative internal feelings causing words and actions to be incongruent. It is ver...