
Are you Mature or Immature in Life?

The owl fabled epitome of a leveller The Leveller Remembering the Satir Categories from the last post, this is by far the best place to be, it’s not always the easiest place to be. Our default behaviours are often governed by nature and nurture.   Levellers have few threats to their self-esteem.   Words, voice tone, body movements and facial expressions all give the same message.   Levellers apologise for an action, not for existing.   They have no need to blame, be subservient, retreat into a computer behaviour or to be constantly on the move.   They are great communicators and have the ability to build bridges in relationships, heal stalemates and build self-esteem.     How does a leveller think and behave? The leveller response is a real-time congruent response.   All the other responses that manifest in the other behaviours are as a result of negative internal feelings causing words and actions to be incongruent.   It is ver...

Are you a Distracter? a Placater, a Blamer or a Computer? Or?

The Satir Categories L ast time I mentioned the Satir Categories, well the Blamer.   So here a little more on these categories.   What I think is interesting about Virginia Satir is that she was a family therapist, so why mention her in the context of work or community?   Well we often spend more time at work than with our families so work becomes our family. This also applies to living in a small community. Sobering thought. Virginia Satir was one of the people modelled in the early days of NLP.   She was a highly effective family therapist. Virginia identified, in her book People Making, the following behaviours; they are not exclusive to dysfunctional families.   We can notice these categories and behaviours everywhere. Virginia identified four behaviours that were responsible for many conflicts and one used for resolving conflict and bringing people together. There is an NLP Presupposition or Operating Belief ‘Mind and body are part of the same sy...

The world is going to hell in a handcart - can we stop it?

The world is going to hell in a handcart* - can we stop it? Facebook on which we rely so much for local information out here, with a current dose of when can people come out on holiday (we don’t make the rules, no idea) and do they really have to wear a mask (yes there’s a hefty fine and if you’re a tourist they will fine you), Facebook is a hive of discontent, backbiting and backstabbing. So few people fail to appreciate Facebook friends are most frequently not real friends and often that are not friends with themselves either, just there to vent their spleen on someone else. For me, friends are people I know really well, I have perhaps 10 people I count as friends and that is world over. I know many people they are acquaintances. There is a great deal happening in the world today and much of it in many places not good. How people react is interesting. I’m trying to avoid the political rights and wrongs, but I would like you share some information about people behaviours and h...